Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Want to Know Where I Download wii Games?

Want me to tell you where I download wii games? Sure, I'll tell you but only after the end of this article. I think its important to know a few facts before you start. If you think you know every single thing there is to know then just skip down to the bottom. If you want to read my rant and rave here it goes....

People that know I download wii games often say that i am being cheap! You know what? your damn right I am. With the prices of gas, food, and my ever increasing rent there isnt much left in my budget for entertainment. Learning how and where to download wii games has saved me a ton of money. So, call me cheap if you want but I bet you I get my wii games cheaper than you. I know this because I'm paying almost nothing if anything at all.

You would think it was enough that we pay $300 for a video game console and push our way through stores throwing elbows and yelling obscenities to have a wii. Apparently, it isnt enough because the manufacturers of these video games find it necessary to dig even further into our pockets just to play the games or have the use of other media that the wii has to offer. Thanks nintendo! I didn't really need that extra money anyway. I'll just run out to my new corvette and dig some more out of the glove box.

When you download wii games you do have to keep a couple of things in mind. You have to make sure that the website that you are downloading wii games from is legal. Imagine downloading a game only to have the nintendo game police jumping through you windows and hauling you off to mario land to serve your sentance. Well, that probably really wouldnt happen but you get the point I think.

Another thing you have to watch out for is viruses. There is more than a few sites on the internet who proclaim to offer you something to download. In reality they are offering you the internet version of an STD. These kinds of sites seriously make me sick. I would like to tie the creators up and force them to watch whose the boss re-runs for a week straight as a punishment.

If you take all of the games that nintendo has produced for the wii and multiplied that number by the average cost per game you would have.......Nevermind, its too big a number for me to calculate in my head. My point is, if your kids are anything at all like mine you could never afford to buy each and every game that they want. Personally, I just got done buying every single playstation 3 game before that the playstation 2....and the xbox360....and the xbox.I should have just purchased some sort of stock in these companies then maybe I could have gotten free samples.

You will need a couple things before you start to download wii games. You'll need a computer, an internet connection, and you will have to know how to read.

If anyone reading this doesnt have the three things listed there then I'm sorry to do it but I have to call you a liar. After all you are already on the internet and obviously you can read. So, now that you know that you have all of the essentials to download wii games Its time to pick a place to download them from.

Always try to find a source that has a large selection of games. I have found some sites that have just about every title ever released. We will get to that here shortly. If they dont have a large selection then you are simply wasting your time.

Make sure that the site offers you software as well as complete instruction to download and play the games. What good does it do you to download the games if you dont get the software to play them on your wii? The sites that I'm going to tell you about give you everything that I've talked about. Now you know why to download wii games and what to look for when you set out to do it. With all of that knowledge its time to find the ideal site to download all of the wii games that you want and need.

Click here to download unlimited wii games